Loop Quiet Earplugs – My sister gifted these to me on my last birthday and boy, let me tell you… game changers! As someone who can be very sensitive to noise (especially living with a toddler who loves to scream and doesn’t know what “quiet” means), these come in handy nearly everyday. They’re noise reducing so I can still hear what’s going on around me but it takes the edge off. Plus, comfy to wear and reusable. 

Anatomy of the Spirit – A book that I’m currently in the middle of but so far I don’t want to put down. This book does a great job of combining science and woo, in my opinion. Written my a medical intuitive, she shares her experience and research of working with doctors for over 20 years to help people find healing through energy medicine. She explains how emotions, stress, beliefs, etc. can manifest in the body as illness. She also shares ancient wisdom and how you can develop your own intuition, discover your own power, and how that can help cultivate your own spiritual growth.

Medicine Cards – These cards are what first opened my eyes to spirituality, probably sometime back in high-school. My Nana had these cards on her desk and I was always drawn to them. It wasn’t until my mid-twenties when I wanted to know more. She came into her own spirituality later on in life and only shared bits and pieces with me but we used to have the most wonderful conversations about our beliefs. These cards hold a very special place in my heart. There are many ways to use them but I tend to let the animals send me messages and then I go to the deck to learn about their medicine. You can also find the revised version here

Color Your Own Tarot – Another item that was gifted to me but adult coloring books really help bring out your creativity and your inner child. Obviously you can choose whatever style of coloring book that fits your fancy but this is mine currently. I think it’s calming and can even be used as a type of mediation. Find time to bring a little more play into your life and think back to what you enjoyed as a kid!